Dear Frances and Mag, I wanted to send you this photo to you, so you can see how your support and services can transform people's lives. I will never be able to repay you for the kindness and support you showed me when buying my first, now second hairpiece from you. Thanks again. Lots of love.
Amanda, England -
"I am absolutely loving my new accessry. My family and friends think it looks amazing on me".
Karen Z -
Thank you for your help and advice. Getting to know you both was a positive aspect of my chemo!!!!
Marg., Toronto -
~~ I am quite happy with my wig. I am still getting a lot of compliments. People like the style and are impressed with how realistic it looks. Everyone is surprised that it is a wig.
Anja D -
You are one of the many angels that I have been fortunate to meet during my journey in life.
R.R. -
Thank you so much for inviting me to join my cousin while she dealt with her hair loss. Everyone of your clients are leaning on you for a huge amount of support and trust. Though this may be very emotional to see and hear, you must feel so terrific at the end of the day, to know that you have touched and made a huge impact on someones emotional well-being and confidence! I wish you had been doing this in 2000 when I was going through chemo but I'm so happy for those you support today.
L. T. -
Thank you so much for your sweet attention and sensitivity the day I visited you to have my hair removed. You were so kind, gentle, and understanding. I had been dreading the procedure, but you made it quite manageable. I have now had two chemo treatments with four to go. As I meet new friends on the journey I am telling them about "blossom", and I look forward to my next opportunity to visit you.
J.B. -
What fantastic work each and everyone of you do. You do your work with kindness, caring and most of all a sensitive soul. You have a great understanding of how your actions can turn things around for someone. You give from the heart and that is obvious. Thank you so much for all you do.
Ann Marie -
Just a short note to thank-you very much for yesterday. You made a pretty crapy situation much much better. You are very empowering. Thank goodness for you and blossom...
S.G. -
The wig is good. I have received soo many compliments.
~~ I'm enjoying my new wig very much. With the help of Mag's expertise and caring, I was able to gain back some of my self confidence, while navigating this very difficult hair loss.
~~Thank you Mag and Frances... Got a lot of compliments on my new wig. It is like I gave myself a big treat going to your salon. The big dilemma of chemo is hair loss but hey it's not that bad at all. The style of my new hair looks good on me. My kids still didn't know it's a wig. Thank you!
This is just a short note of thanks for your kindness in helping me prepare for my hair loss. No matter how I told myself that the hair loss is temporary, the entire process is a mix of some fun but mostly loss. I had many compliments on my wig, especially the colours. Thank you for helping me pick it out. Please know that you have been an important part of my treatment and recovery! Gratefully yours
S.C. -
Just a note from me to thank you both so much for making a difficult time so much easier. I wore my "new hair" today and it is so comfortable and looks good. You really provide a wonderful service. What a find you are.
Margaret G.,Toronto